Christ Ahnsahnghong testifies that the character Abraham is used to represent God in the Bible.
Isaac was the one who received Abraham's inheritance. Even though Abraham had another son named Ishmael, born through Hagar, God did not allow Ishmael to receive the inheritance of Abraham. Rather, God bestowed the inheritance upon Isaac, who was born through Sarah. The reason why Isaac was chosen as Abraham's heir was that Isaac was the son of Sarah, who was free.
Through this history Christ Ahnsahnghong shows us that the heavenly inheritance will be given to those who are born of the heavenly Mother, who is free. Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us that our heavenly Mother does in fact exist and that She is truly the biggest mystery hidden within the Bible.
Let's see from the beginning all the testimonies that Christ Ahnsahnghong give us through "The History of Abraham's Family and Mother,"
Luke 16:19-31 "...The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he calledto him, 'Father Abraham...' "
Christ Ahnsahnghong showed that this parable is about a beggar, named Lazarus, and a rich man. The parable tells of Lazarus, who died and was carried to heaven, and a rich man, who was sent to hell to be tormented. Lazarus was obviously carried to God's side after he had died; however, the Bible states that Lazarus traveled to Abraham's side.
In the parable, the rich man, who went to hell, called up to God in the distance; however, Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed that the Bible states that the man saw Abraham, and called up to him, saying, "Father Abraham."
Who is the only one who is worthy to be called "Father" in the spiritual world?
God is the only one who can be called upon in this way. Then, whom does Abraham represent? Logically, the character Abraham was chosen to represent God. Therefore, the inheritance of Abraham can be likened to the inheritance of God, the kingdom of heaven.Then, who was appointed as Abraham’s heir?
There were three candidates who could have been chosen as the heir of Abraham: Eliezer, Ishmael, and Isaac. Among them, who became Abraham’s heir? It was Isaac who was appointed.
When Abraham was an old man and had not yet borne a son, he asked God to allow his servant Eliezer to be his heir. However, God did not allow Eliezer to become Abraham’s heir, revealing that a son would be born from Abraham’s own body and that he would become his heir. Some time later, Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant, bore Abraham a son: Ishmael.

Ishmael was born to Abraham through a maidservant named Hagar, and Abraham asked God to allow Ishmael to become his heir.
Gen. 17:18-19 "And Abraham said to God, "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!" Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him."
When Abraham said to God, "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing," God did not allow Ishmael to become his heir. Instead, God promised Abraham that he would have a son through his wife, Sarah. Isaac was born as God had promised, and of the three, Eliezer, Ishmael, and Isaac. Isaac was chosen to be Abraham’s heir.
Why God chose Isaac to be Abraham’s heir?
Both Eliezer’s father and his mother were slaves, neither of them was free. This is the reason why God did not allow him to be Abraham’s heir. Ishmael’s father, Abraham, was free, but his mother, Hagar, was a slave and not a free woman. This is why God(Ahnsahnghong) could not allow Ishmael to become Abraham’s heir.
On the other hand, Isaac’s father, Abraham, was a free man, and his mother, Sarah, was a free woman. The fact that Isaac had been born of a free woman was the big difference between Ishmael and Isaac, and this discrepancy became the key factor in choosing Abraham’s heir.
In those days, the eldest son inherited all of his family’s property. Since Ishmael was older than Isaac, he should have become the heir. That is, if God had made His decision according to the paternal line. Ishmael was not chosen to become Abraham’s heir, even though he was Abraham’s eldest son, because his mother was not a free woman, but a slave. Thus, it is clear that the decisive factor in choosing Abraham’s heir was his mother.
The Bible is not a storybook to tell us of men and their families. Nevertheless, Christ Ahnsahnghong repeatedly mentioned the story of this particular family. Actually, the history of Abraham was a shadow of what was to happen in the future. In order for us to know who could become God’s heir, the story of Abraham’s family was written, as a prophecy. Therefore, through the history of Abraham’s family, we can clearly understand that the decisive factor in choosing an heir is the mother. As Isaac became Abraham’s heir through Sarah, his free mother, we can become God’s heirs through our heavenly Mother, who is a free woman. Only those who believe in the heavenly Mother, only the children who are born through the new covenant, can inherit the heavenly Father’s kingdom.
Who is our Mother?
Gal. 4:22-31 "...But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother...Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now. But what does the Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son." Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman."
Christ Ahnsahnghong testified that the Bible declares that we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman. Ishmael could not inherit his father’s estate because his mother, Hagar, was only a slave, not a free woman. On the other hand, Isaac was chosen to become Abraham’s heir because his mother, Sarah, was a free woman. Christ Ahnsahnghong confirmed that the Bible also testifies that we, like Isaac, are the children of promise, the children of the heavenly Mother, who is free.
In today’s world, there are three types of people:
1) Those who are like Eliezer,
2) Those like Ishmael,
3) Those who are like Isaac. The first type of people, who are like Eliezer, are atheists, who do not believe in Father God or in Mother God.
The second type of people, who are like Ishmael, are those who believe in Father God, but do not believe in Mother God.
The third type of people, who are like Isaac, are those who believe in Mother God as well as Father God.
Christ Ahnsahnghong clarified that according to the history of Abraham’s family, that only the third type of people, who are like Isaac, can be recognized as God’s heirs, and will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no doubt about it.
Which group of people do you want to be classified with?
If you want to be like Isaac, you must first become a child of the free woman. Thus, you must accept the heavenly Mother, who is free. Christ Ahnsahnghong testified through the Bible this fact. God(Ahnsahnghong) said, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" (Hos. 4:6).
What kind of knowledge is God referring to in this verse? Christ Ahnsahnghong let us know that we must recognize God the Mother, as well as a God the Father. We must accept Elohim God. Also, we must firmly believe that God is our Mother, who gives us salvation alongside our Father. Only after we come to realize this can we say that we have the knowledge of God, and that we will not be those who are destroyed from a "lack of knowledge." Christ Ahnsahnghong tell us that the Bible testifies that the Holy Spirit is God Ahnsahnghong, and that the Bride is Jerusalem Mother. Let us accept God Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, who give us the water of life in these last days, so that we can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Which group of people do you want to be classified with?
If you want to be like Isaac, you must first become a child of the free woman. Thus, you must accept the heavenly Mother, who is free. Christ Ahnsahnghong testified through the Bible this fact. God(Ahnsahnghong) said, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" (Hos. 4:6).
What kind of knowledge is God referring to in this verse? Christ Ahnsahnghong let us know that we must recognize God the Mother, as well as a God the Father. We must accept Elohim God. Also, we must firmly believe that God is our Mother, who gives us salvation alongside our Father. Only after we come to realize this can we say that we have the knowledge of God, and that we will not be those who are destroyed from a "lack of knowledge." Christ Ahnsahnghong tell us that the Bible testifies that the Holy Spirit is God Ahnsahnghong, and that the Bride is Jerusalem Mother. Let us accept God Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, who give us the water of life in these last days, so that we can enter the kingdom of heaven.

Rev 22:17 "The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!" and let him who hear say "Come!" Whoever is thirsty let him come, and whoever wished let him take the free gift of the water of life."
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God makes it so clare when it says in the Bible that we are children like Isaac. Whenever I ask anyone why God compared us to Isaac instead of Ishamel, no one can answer. Thats b/c they do not know the free woman, our Heavenly Mother. The best part is that we are children of promise meaning eternal life. Then the only way to have eternal life is through our Heavenly Mother the new Jerusalem and our father Christ AHnsahnghong.
CherubAngel said...
February 7, 2008 at 9:49 PM
We are those children like Isaac! If we claim to be Christian, we must have the same faith as the Christians 2000 years ago and that's not gonna hapen if we don't believe in Mother. Christ Ahnsahnghong let us know this!
BTW, kool Post! Love the pictures and the chart!
Short144 said...
February 8, 2008 at 3:02 PM
Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong made it so clear for his children to understand. I truely give thanks for the only reason we can go to heaven is because Our God, Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong came to give us life by introducing our Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem.
God's Will said...
February 8, 2008 at 3:40 PM