If the Spirit Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Bride Heavenly Mother say to anyone, "You have no part with us," how can he be saved? Can he save himself? If we want to have some part with the Spirit and the Bride, we ought not to ask Them to be on our side, to follow our own thoughts, but to let us be on Their side, to let us follow Their thoughts.
Christ Ahnsahnghong always let us know through the Bible that salvation depends on God, we ought to trust in the Spirit Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Bride our Mother in everything and follow Them to the end wherever They go.
I always think about Peter. He took his thought right, but it was against Jesus' will. After Peter realized that he was mistaken, he followed Jesus' thought, taking it as best. In the same way, I also want to become like him in faith.
John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Jesus said that no one could come to God, to the kingdom of heaven, except through Him. In the Son's age, nobody could go to the kingdom of heaven except through Jesus. And in the Holy Spirit's age, no one can enter the kingdom except through the Spirit Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Bride. Jesus made Peter realize that he judged from his own standpoint, saying, "You have no part with me." Through this words Christ Ahnsahnghong allow us to realize the point to see."No one can enter the kingdom of heaven except through Me."

Christ Ahnsahnghong testifies through the Bible that in the Early Church, the apostles and the prophets never stopped preaching about Jesus; for He was the only way to the kingdom of heaven. However, now it is only the Spirit Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Bride who lead to the eternal kingdom. We ought to look at Them from Their viewpoint and love and follow Them, not from our own standpoint, so that we can enter the kingdom of Heaven.
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I want to be part of God's salvation. I want to learn about Christ Ahnsahnghong
Anonymous said...
March 13, 2008 at 7:41 AM
Father AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother are the way of the eternal life in the age of the Holy Spirit.
I really happy to know God Ahn Sahng Hong and Heavenly Mother giving me the salvation.
smile said...
March 13, 2008 at 8:58 AM
I truely whant to be part of father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem mother. please father and Mother let me be in your salvalvetion and also let me fallo you like the disaples did 2,000 years ago.......
Anonymous said...
March 15, 2008 at 3:34 AM
Father and Mother are the truth in these last days. Then we must turely seek Christ ahnsahnghong and learn all the truths one by one to be part of this prophecy
Tine said...
April 29, 2008 at 11:03 AM